
FedEx Additional Handling Surcharge

Additional Handling Surcharge

Express Packages. A surcharge applies to any package that: 

1) measures greater than60 inches along its longest side; 

2) measures greater than 30 inches along its secondlongestside; 

3) has an actual weight of greater than 70 lbs.;

 4) is not fully encased inan outer shipping container; 

5) is encased in an outer shipping container not made ofcorrugated fiberboard (cardboard) materials, including but not limited to metal, wood,canvas, leather, hard plastic, soft plastic (e.g., plastic bags) or expanded polystyrene foam(e.g., Styrofoam); 

6) is encased in an outer shipping container covered in shrink wrap orstretch wrap; 

7) is encased in a soft-sided pack (e.g., courier packs, poly bags and bubblemailers) that exceeds 18 inches along its longest side or 13 inches along its second-longestside or 5 inches in height; 

8) is cylindrical, including (without limitation) cans, buckets,barrels, drums or pails that are not fully encased in a shipping container made of corrugatedfiberboard (cardboard) materials; 

9) is bound with metal, plastic or cloth banding, or haswheels, casters, handles, or straps (including packages where the outer surface area isloosely wrapped, or where the contents protrude outside the surface area); or 

10) wouldbecome entangled in or cause damage to other packages or the FedEx sortation system.Package shape and dimensions may change during transit, which can affect the package’sdimensional weight and surcharge eligibility. If the dimensions change during transit, FedExExpress may make appropriate adjustments to the shipment charges at any time. For U.S.express services, this surcharge applies per piece even if multiple pieces are bundled ina shipment. We reserve the right to assess additional handling charges for packages thatrequire special handling or that require FedEx to apply additional packaging during transit.The additional handling surcharge does not apply to U.S. express packages that measuregreater than 108 inches along their longest side. 

Such packages are subject to the FedExoversize charge (see Oversize Charge for more information).

Express Freight. A surcharge applies to any piece, skid or pallet of freight that measuresgreater than 70 inches along its longest side. For U.S. express freight services, thissurcharge applies per piece, per skid or per pallet even if multiple pieces of freight arebundled in a shipment. We reserve the right to assess additional handling charges forfreight that requires special handling during transit.

Ground. A surcharge applies to any package that: 

1) measures greater than 48 inches butequal to or less than 108 inches along its longest side; 

2) measures greater than 30 inchesalong its second-longest side; 

3) has an actual weight of greater than 70 lbs.; 

4) is not fullyencased in an outer shipping container; 

5) is encased in an outer shipping container notmade of corrugated fiberboard (cardboard) materials, including but not limited to metal,wood, canvas, leather, hard plastic, soft plastic (e.g., plastic bags) or expanded polystyrenefoam (e.g., Styrofoam);

 6) is encased in an outer shipping container covered in shrink wrapor stretch wrap; 

7) is encased in a soft-sided pack (e.g., courier packs, poly bags and bubblemailers) that exceeds 18 inches along its longest side or 13 inches along its second-longestside or 5 inches in height; 

8) is cylindrical, including (without limitation) cans, buckets,barrels, drums or pails that are not fully encased in an outer shipping container made ofcorrugated fiberboard (cardboard) materials; 

9) is bound with metal, plastic or cloth banding,or has wheels, casters, handles, or straps (including packages where the outer surfacearea is loosely wrapped, or where the contents protrude outside the surface area); or

10) would become entangled in or cause damage to other packages or the FedEx sortationsystem. 

Package shape and dimensions may change during transit, which can affect thepackage’s dimensional weight and surcharge eligibility. If the dimensions change duringtransit, FedEx Ground may make appropriate adjustments to the shipment charges at anytime. This surcharge applies per piece even if multiple pieces are bundled in a shipment.We reserve the right to assess additional handling charges for packages that requirespecial handling or that require FedEx to apply additional packaging during transit.